Take my heart, and clean it out
Cause I don't need it anymore with what I have allowed
I know one thing, that I am nothing without You
Take my thoughts, and make them Yours
Take all of my transgressions - make me pure
I know one thing, that I am nothing without You
The gift of life you've given me, I took and made my own
My selfish satisfaction won
But praise the Lord Almighty! He gave His only Son
To redeem what I had taken away
To redeem what I had taken away
Take my strength, and tear it down
With all that I had used it for when no one was around
For I know one thing, that I am nothing without You
Take my hands, and make them clean
For all that I had held in them to make the most of me
For I know one thing, that I am nothing without You
Take my life, and rescue me
I tried to live it on my own, but now I can see
Now I know one thing, that I am nothing without You